
Donate Now

We appreciate financial contributions of any size. If you would like to contribute to our mission, please email JJ Harrier. If you wish to submit a donation online, select an amount and click donate.


The best way to donate your time is through service on our board of directors. Board members play a vital role in the mission of our organization. They come from all backgrounds and walks of life, and provide guidance and support to agency personnel. They speak on behalf of the communities we serve; and they ensure that we are maintaining the highest standards of quality and service.


We welcome material donations that are clean and in good repair. At any given time we house more than 100 youth in our therapeutic foster care program. Many of these youth come to us with little more than the clothes on their back. We are always looking for donations of new or very gently used clothing, jackets and boots. We also welcome art supplies, books, and board games for use in our early childhood, after school, and summer programs.

For in-kind donations, please email Jordan Tu’ulauulu.