
Child-Parent Psychotherapy

February 28, 2019

Denali Family Services is proud to announce its participation in a multi-agency initiative to bring Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) to Alaska.  CPP is an evidence-based clinical model for treating children and infants ages birth to five who have experienced traumatic events or are experiencing difficulties with attachment or behavioral health.  What makes CPP unique is that it provides “dyadic” therapy, meaning that the clinician works with both the child and the parent to build attachment, bonding, regulation, and trust.

DFS is partnering with CODI, the Alaska Children’s Trust, Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, The Mat-Su Health Foundation, Rock Mat-Su, the Alaska Court System, the Alaska Training Cooperative, the Alaska Division of Behavioral Health, and AK-AIMH to bring this training to Alaska.  For more information about the training, please visit our CPP Alaska page.