
DFS Looking Froward to Another Great Year

January 2, 2019

As we say goodbye to 2018, Denali Family Services is looking forward to another great year in 2019.  Major initiatives include implementing a new electronic health record, CareLogic, which will provide more robust scheduling, data analytics, and performance management functionality; making full use of a recently remodeled kitchen space in our Wasilla office, thanks to the generous support of MEA; and taking our Trailblazers program out into the great Alaska wilderness with an equipment trailer purchased through the generous support of GCI Alaska.

DFS is also leading a multi-agency collaborative to bring Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) training to Alaska.  In partnership with the Mat-Su Health Foundation, Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, Alaska Division of Behavioral Health, Alaska Association for Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, and Compassionate Directions, we hope to train up to 30 mental health clinicians in the CPP model, a nationally recognized best practice for infant and early childhood mental health.

Finally, DFS is partnering with YWCA Alaska to conduct an agency-wide diversity and inclusion survey to ensure that our organization meets the highest standards of equity and social justice in the workplace.

These are a few of the exciting things happening in the coming year. We look forward to another great year of working with the community and other agency partners to serve Alaska’s children and families.